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Title: Corso di Perfezionamento in Salute Globale / TropEd Core Course in Global Health
Country: Italy
Institution: Italy - Clinica di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali, Università degli Studi di Brescia
Course coordinator: Prof. Alberto Matteelli
Date start: 2020-02-17
Date end: 2020-05-29
Classification: core course
Mode of delivery: Face to face
Course location:
Edificio di Medicina e Chirurgia
Università degli Studi di Brescia
V.le Europa, 11
25123 Brescia
ECTS credit points: 20 ECTS credits
A total of 600 SIT divided in 302 hours of face-to face learning and 298 hours of self-study hours.
Language: Italian
By the end of the core course, students should be able to:

• identify and analyse interrelated determinants of health and major health problems of populations in a cross-disciplinary perspective in low- and middle income societies.
• critically collect, analyse and appraise qualitative and quantitative data relevant for the improvement of health and health care in low and middle income societies.
• plan sustainable improvements of health systems considering the diverse intercultural settings as well as social and ethical responsibilities.
• clearly communicate and work professionally in a multi-disciplinary team.

Specific objectives

At the end of the course, students should be able:

LO. 1.1 to demonstrate a clear understanding of the role and impact of globalization on health and its major determinants

LO 2.1: to define, select and organize different epidemiological study designs
LO 2.2: to analyze and critically discuss statistical results derived from selected research questions
LO 2.3: to report on qualitative and quantitative research findings and to communicate them to different stakeholders using effective methods of presentation

LO 3.1: to analyse and critically discuss the most important factors related to the burden of diseases in different countries and regions of the world.
LO 3.2: to describe and critically appraise the key clinical and epidemiological aspects of global health priorities in low- and middle-income countries, including communicable and non-communicable diseases
LO 3.3: to demonstrate basic competence in building a programmatic, public-health oriented response to major communicable and non-communicable diseases using appropriate and evidence-based tools
LO 3.4: to demonstrate competence in culture-friendly approaches to health issues


LO 4.1 to appraise population dynamics and basic concepts of migration health
LO4.2 to demonstrate a clear understanding of actors, functions and activities of the international cooperation
LO 4.3: to appraise and describe the organization of health systems
LO 4.4: to apply principles, methods and tools for health planning and management at district, regional, national and international levels
LO 4.5: to appraise and apply basic principles of health economics
LO 4.6: to assess health settings during emergency outbreaks, identify priorities and plan for key actions
LO 4.7: to facilitate knowledge sharing and promote team work, applying intercultural communication skills
Focus or specific features:
This core course is historically characterized by the solid background on communicable diseases and their programmatic and public health oriented approach.

It is strengthened by extensive components on Health Planning and Management as well as epidemiology and research methodology.

The course is implemented through the harmonic contribution of academic, national and international institutions and NGOs. Facilitators from different regions of the world, multiple professional backgrounds and variegated experiences in low, middle and high income countries contribute to generate a multidisciplinary atmosphere.

Training is developed with an anthropological, ethical, economical and environmental perspective.
Assessment Procedures:
A composite assessment methodology will be used.
At the end of each of the four modules, students will be tested by multiple choice questions (MCQ).
At the end of the module “Basic epidemiology and research methods”, an epidemiological/statistical exam will be additionally performed using multiple exercises; assessment will be quantitative according to the proportion of correct solutions.
At the end of the module “Health problems and responses” students will be additionally tested through the preparation of a concise narrative assay (maximum 6 pages pitch 12, single line spacing). Evaluation will be qualitative, expressed in marks.
At the end of the module “Planning and management”, students will be additionally tested through the preparation of a project plan for selected interventions. This will be a team evaluation (teams consisting of about 5 participants each), qualitative, expressed in marks.
A final oral exam (20 minutes/student) on the whole content of the core course will take place and will be qualitatively evaluated. The final exam commission is composed by some teachers of the Course from the University of Brescia and from Spedali Civili of Brescia. External examiners may be asked to participate.
Evaluation of each of the seven interim exams and the final exam will be expressed in marks. Marks will be in thirties (passing score=18/30) according to Italian university law, and transformed in ECTS scoring system according to the following schema:
- A = 30/30 and honours
- B = 30/30
- C = 27/30 to 29/30
- D = 24/30 to 26/30
- E = 18/30 to 23/30
- F = failure
The final score will be the mean of the seven interim exams and the final exam (weight of each exam: 12.5%). Students need to achieve at least 18/30 in each of the tests. In case of failure, students have the chance to re-sit one time.
The course is composed by:

1. Introduction and Orientation(1 week, 1,2 ECTS)
2. Concepts and research methods (4 weeks- 5,6 ECTS)
3. Health Problems and Responses (5 weeks- 7,5 ECTS)
4. Health Systems, Mangament and Communication (4 weeks- 5,7 ECTS)

Details please click here
Main teaching methods:
1. lectures (~33%)
2. interactive lessons: role-playing, case studies, problem-solving approach, group exercises/computer based exercises (~27%)
3. self-study and analysis (~50%)

Students are expected to actively participate with their own experiences through a spirit of exchange and team-collaboration. A problem-solving approach will be used throughout the course as a key-tool to favour knowledge and competencies.

Computer based exercises will be mainly performed during Epidemiological and Statistical lessons.
Students are expected to prepare for each session by studying recommended materials, but also encouraged to look for additional literature or any other source of in-depth analysis by themselves.
Academic experience required:
- Master of Science in: medicine, biology, biotechnology, pharmacy, nursing, obstetrics, health assistance.
- Bachelor in: nursing, obstetrics, health
assistance (if obtained after the Italian University reform in 2000).
- Bachelor in: nursing, obstetrics, health
assistance, together with the high school leaving
certificate and the enrolment at the professional
register (if obtained before the Italian University reform in 2000).

For students having foreign equivalent academic
qualifications, the presentation of a Statement of Validity issued by the Italian diplomatic authorities is required.

The core course is mostly held in Italian, so a proficient knowledge of the language is required. Knowledge of English is also required, since some lessons are held in this language. However, no preliminary proficiency assessment of both languages is carried out.
Min. 10 students, max. 25 students (no specific limitation for tropEd students).
Students are required to attend at least to 80% of class hours in order to be admitted to the final examination.
First come, first served basis
2000 Euro for EU citizens; 600 Euro for candidates from low-income countries.
Scholarships are offered each year for candidates born and resident in developing countries, based on available funds from the UNESCO Chair “Training and empowering human resources for health development in resource-limited countries”. The call for application will be announced by mid-2017.
Major changes since initial accreditation:
The following major changes were made to the currently accredited course:
- The title of the course has been modified
- The title and content of each course module has been changed and revised in order to better harmonize the different components and to better respond to the current global health problems and training needs:
 “Concept and research methods” content was re-organized and strengthened: the epidemiological part is now more analytical, based on a precise skeleton with a dedicated professor of Epidemiology and Statistics; qualitative methods have been added as well as a specific part on scientific reading and writing. The anthropological contribution has been significantly increased and elements of bio-ethics included.
 “Health Problems”: communicable diseases lectures have been reduced in order to leave adequate time to non communicable diseases. Hepatitis and antimicrobial resistance were added because of their emerging public health relevance.
 “Health Planning and Management”: was created as a specific module. Health Management and Project Planning, IDPs and refugees camp management as Wat-hab notions have been introduced and considered priorities for the students’ knowledge, attitude and practice.
- Learning methods were updated: the overall number of contact hours was reduced in order to leave more time to self-study, research and analysis. Where possible, lectures were replaced by interactive lessons and group exercises (computer based exercises, case studies, team work)
- Assessment procedures were deeply changed.
Student evaluation:
Students are asked to evaluate each lesson and to submit an overall evaluation of the course at the end of each module.

According to the evaluation surveys, carried out during the last three years, the majority of the students highly appreciated the content, methods and tools offered by the course.

The following positive points emerged:
- teaching staff high professional
- interactive, practical and stimulating teaching approach
- useful, interesting and constructive multidisciplinary approach
- exhaustiveness and variety of contents
- very good learning facilities (teaching rooms, library, etc.)

The identified drawbacks included:
- some lessons were too specific and complex for the audience
- some overlaps in content during the course
- unbalance between theoretical lessons (to many) and practical exercises (too few).
Lessons learned:
The strengthening of a multi-disciplinary approach, with teaching staff coming from different backgrounds, offered a good overview to students willing to engage in Global and International health. In this sense, the course still represents a good base for those preparing to work in developing countries and/or in international organizations.

The majority of the students completing the core course find a job in developing countries (with NGOs or similar) within 6 months.

Both content and teaching methods require in-depth rethinking and modernization to cope with the continuing evolution of global health

Strengthening the collaboration and exchange in-between Trop Ed Institutes is an opportunity to be more and more exploited.
tropEd accreditation:
Accredited in Berlin 1998 and reaccredited in Brescia 2005, in 2011 in Bordeaux and in December 2016. This accreditation is valid until December 2021.
During the whole duration of the core course a tutor is present in the classroom to assist and support students for didactic and/or logistic needs. The collaboration of Academic Institutions and NGOs assures both the didactic methodologies and the adequate field experience. Lecturers working in developed countries as teachers from WHO, UNESCO chairs and other tropEd Institutions represent an added value, giving the course a wider, enriched perspective.
Email Address:
Date Of Record Creation: 2011-11-21 03:01:40 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2011-11-21 04:02:49 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2016-12-19 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2019-12-12 09:33:23 (W3C-DTF)

Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in international health

L. Gerstel1, P. A. C. Zwanikken1, A. Hoffman2, C. Diederichs3, M. Borchert3 and B. Peterhans2

1 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charite – Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany