Network for Education in International Health

tropEd is an international network of member institutions for higher education in international/global health from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America. tropEd provides postgraduate opportunities for education and training contributing to sustainable development.
tropEd GA
The next network is meeting from June 17 to June 18, 2021 and will include an open student session as well as serve as a launch for the new tropEd website
25th anniversary of tropEd
This year the tropEd network is celebrating its 25th anniversary

Master Programme

The degree programme is characterised by a unique synergy of experience and expertise of leading institutions all over the world. It prepares people to work more effectively in a multicultural environment by exposing them to multiple perspectives and offers a flexible structure with the world-wide recognition of education. The programme is open to students world-wide.




The tropEd network currently offers over 130 different courses on various public and global health related topics. Whether you wish to take a Short Course as part of your Master Program, for continuing professional development or just to refresh your knowledge in a particular subject area, the tropEd network may have what you are looking for.

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Member Institutions

The tropEd home institution is an entry point of the tropEd masters programme. It is the institution where you have your main registration. This institution delivers a tropEd accredited core course, allows credit accumulation and transfer from other tropEd member institutions under the ECTS, provides tutoring and guidance to students about the tropEd Masters programme, and delivers a Masters degree. In some cases, the home institution is also where you complete your Masters thesis, although in other cases you may complete this at a partner institution.

Miriam Müller

Heidelberg Instiute of Global Health

Student representatives

tropEd student working group works together with tropEd General Assembly to ensure that the views and opinions of students are fully taken into account. If you have any comments or feedback related to tropEd modules, please do not hesitate to contact them. Thank you!

Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in international health

L. Gerstel1, P. A. C. Zwanikken1, A. Hoffman2, C. Diederichs3, M. Borchert3 and B. Peterhans2

1 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charite – Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany

tropEd profile

In the field of International Health, tropEd aims to contribute to the sustainable development of human resources, particularly in low and middle-income countries through:

  • promoting excellence in education and training;
  • facilitating exchange of knowledge and skills;
  • encouraging interdisciplinary approaches;
  • fostering mobility and the exchange of teachers and students.

2019 collection

Handbook on tropEd recognition

tropEd recognition is the recognition of the Master level training provided and the Master Degree awarded, to individual students, by or through tropEd Home Institutions. It is not an extra degree but recognition of quality standards in education and training in the tropEd network. For the Home Institution tropEd recognition is a measure of external quality assessment. The recognition certificate is issued to individual graduates. For more details please see the attached handbook.

Please for enquiries contact Govert van Heusden( in CC (

tropEd Network, temporary measures due to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

Dear members of the tropEd network,

As the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic is striking all member countries the EC has decided to enact a number of temporary measures that will impact course accreditation. The effects of the pandemic will influence operations of our institutions, student and staff mobility, and also participation in upcoming General Assembly meetings (GAs). The EC has decided to bring into force the following measures (renewed and modified in November 2020):

  1. Course Accreditation:
  2. All tropEd courses whose accreditation will expire in 2021 (and all courses whose accreditation ended in 2020 and received a temporary extension in 2020) will have to be re-accredited at one of the scheduled 2021 GAs. TropEd will conduct 3 GAs in 2021 and it is likely that the first ones will take place as online meetings.
    All tropEd courses which have a valid accreditation, whether as face-to-face courses or as blended courses, can increase their proportion of online-delivered content, up to a full online course, in order to meet mobility challenges presented by COVID-19, from now, until 31 December 2021. These changes have to be indicated on the tropEd course accreditation form in track-change-mode, and submitted to the tropEd Secretariat. The change will be accepted for a duration of 12 months from the time of submission to the Secretariat. Such a change will be granted unconditionally, and subsequently communicated on the tropEd website. If SIT/ ECTS credits change as part of this measure, this also has to be indicated and will equally be granted permission for 12 months.
    These temporary measures will automatically expire at the end of the designated 12-month period. At the end of this period any course that has not been re-accredited will lose accreditation, and any courses that changed their SIT/ECTS will automatically revert to their pre-COVID 19 designations.
  3. TropEd Recognition:
  4. For tropEd recognition, all courses (online, face-to-face or blended) taken in the years 2020 and 2021 will be counted automatically as face-to-face courses. Thus, there will be no limit on eLearning credits for the purpose of recognition.
    All temporary measures may be prolonged by simple majority decision of the EC for another 12-months period, if deemed necessary.
Students interested in following any course at one of the member institutions should contact the respective tropEd representative about details of course delivery. See contact details in the member section or course repository.

With best regards,

Guenter Froeschl, Munich, 04 December 2020