Master Programme
The degree programme is characterised by a unique synergy of experience and expertise of leading institutions all over the world. It prepares people to work more effectively in a multicultural environment by exposing them to multiple perspectives and offers a flexible structure with the world-wide recognition of education. The programme is open to students world-wide.

The tropEd network currently offers over 130 different courses on various public and global health related topics. Whether you wish to take a Short Course as part of your Master Program, for continuing professional development or just to refresh your knowledge in a particular subject area, the tropEd network may have what you are looking for.
Member Institutions
The tropEd home institution is an entry point of the tropEd masters programme. It is the institution where you have your main registration. This institution delivers a tropEd accredited core course, allows credit accumulation and transfer from other tropEd member institutions under the ECTS, provides tutoring and guidance to students about the tropEd Masters programme, and delivers a Masters degree. In some cases, the home institution is also where you complete your Masters thesis, although in other cases you may complete this at a partner institution.

Miriam Müller
Heidelberg Instiute of Global Health
Student representatives
tropEd student working group works together with tropEd General Assembly to ensure that the views and opinions of students are fully taken into account. If you have any comments or feedback related to tropEd modules, please do not hesitate to contact them. Thank you!