


Courses Repository - Full Resource Record Display
Title: Bridging the Gap between Research and Health Policy making
Country: Vietnam
Institution: Vietnam - Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH)
Course coordinator: Prof. Nguyen Thanh Huong
Date start: 2021-07-12
Date end: 2021-07-23
About duration and dates: 2 weeks, Monday to Friday
Classification: advanced optional
Mode of delivery: Distance-based
Course location:
Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH)
ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits
SIT: Student Investment Time = 90 hours consisting of:
Contact time: 30 hours (synchonous contact via video conference or online teaching platform)
Private study time: 40 hours
Assisted tutorial: 4 hours (synchonous contact via video conference or online teaching platform)
Assessment/assignment time = 16 hours
Language: English
Athe end of this course, students should be able to:

1. Understand the fundamentals of health policy framework; research-to-policy gap and strategies to overcome this gap

2. Explain how research findings enter and influence the policy process

3. Create a comprehensive policy-level communication strategy

4. Use skills for communicating research evidence to policymakers using simple and compelling written and oral formats
Assessment Procedures:
Assessment will be based on class participation, exercises, and written factsheet.

• Class participation: 10% (attend at least 80% of contact hours)

• Individual exercise: 20% (Identify research findings, policy implications and recommendations)

• Group exercise: 20% (Writing communication strategies (1000 -1200 words)

• Written Factsheet (2-3 pages): 50%
Students propose their own topics but they have to discuss with course co-ordinator to seek agreement prior to writing their exercises and factsheets. Failing students will be given a chance to resubmit their factsheet that has taken into account the comments given. This should be done within 4 weeks and will be reassessed by the course organizer.
The main topics covered in this module are:

• An overview of simple analytical framework of health policy including the notions of context, process, actors and content

• Refresher on elements and characteristics of the policy process

• From research to policy: how research findings enter and influence the policy process; research-policy gap; identifying key research findings and policy implications, barriers to research influencing policy; strategies to overcome barriers to research influencing policy.

• Developing policy communication strategy to communicate research findings and policy recommendations to policy makers at different levels: key elements of policy communication; identify key communication constraints and opportunities carry out and develop communication action plan and evaluation performance.

• Policy communication tools used to inform and persuade policy makers: Writing factsheets, policy memo and briefing policy makers using oral presentation
Variety methods are used, including lectures (18% of total SIT), group discussion (12%), tutorials (4%), individual work (44%), student presentation (4%), and individual written assignment (18%).
Proficiency in English: State TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6, Student admitted to a Master Degree Program within TropEd Network may join this course, having finished the core course.
Students are required to bring to the course one research (it might be student’s research or any article or research report that students prefer), used as basic document for doing some exercises (identify research findings and policy implications, prepare factsheet and oral presentation to policy makers).
The number of students is limited to 20, max no. of TropEd students is 10.
First come/ first serve
Fees: 600 EURO
Scholarships: None available
Major changes since initial accreditation:
Updating reading references (International and local context) and revising guideline and exercises accordingly.
Student evaluation:
• Students acknowledge the course’s usefulness and appropriateness.
• After finishing the course, they are confident that they can apply what have been learned into their work.
• They also expressed their willing to further study in designing/developing policy brief and factsheet.
Lessons learned:
Conveying evidence to health policymakers, health managers or decision-makers is a comprehensive process, from understanding their culture, their expectations to individual’s knowledge, attitude and behaviors toward specific existing problems. Moreover, it is different at each level. Both of lecturers and students should understand about the nature and sensitivity of this process
tropEd accreditation: The course on “Bridging the Gap between Research and Health Policy making” was reaccredited in 2018.
This course provides public health students fundamental knowledge on health policy framework, influence of research on policy change and policy communication skills that will enable them to close the gap between research and health policy making
Email Address:
Date Of Record Creation: 2018-11-01 09:23:12 (W3C-DTF)
Date Of Record Release: 2018-11-01 13:38:09 (W3C-DTF)
Date Record Checked: 2018-11-01 (W3C-DTF)
Date Last Modified: 2021-01-21 13:28:41 (W3C-DTF)

Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in international health

L. Gerstel1, P. A. C. Zwanikken1, A. Hoffman2, C. Diederichs3, M. Borchert3 and B. Peterhans2

1 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charite – Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany